Rijksmuseum, escape game
Staging an escape game inside one of the world’s most secure museums
The Mission
‘In the Shadow of Rembrandt’ is an immersive story that takes you through the Rijksmuseum. It's long past closing time... The library is deserted, but Rijksmuseum employee Bert is still busy researching Rembrandt. He turns a page and stares in amazement at an old sketch of the museum, a sketch with a very strange date. But as Bert tries to further investigate this mystery, the page suddenly goes missing…
The Concept
For the creation of this adventure inside the most-visited museum in The Netherlands we used 3 guiding principles:
Every 6 minutes, a new group of 4-5 players starts the game.
Players need to blend in and not disturb the normal vistors.
Everything in the story is rooted in research and historical fact.
For the Rijksmuseum project I was Narrative and Experience Designer.
I also coached and trained our newly hired project manager Francine since I was leaving for San Francisco.